So I recently needed to add multiple scans to nessus and export the results for splunk, being new to python and loving it.
I decided to look for some examples and work from there,
I found “” grabbed a copy and started to modify it to what I needed.
Warning this is not the best code but does what I currenlty need it to do.
./ -h
# Nessus api client #
Add Desktop Scan
./ add_desktop_scan name description target
Add Server Scan
./ add_server_scan name description target
List Scans
./ list_scans
List Subnets
./ list_subnets
List running scans
./ list_running_scans
List completed scans
./ list_completed_scans
Export Scan
./ export_scan id
Export scans that have not been completed
./ export_scans
Start Scan
./ launch_scan id